it’s that wonderful time of year for fruits and, if you’re lucky enough, to start picking tomatoes and other goodies from your gardens whether they be extensive or a few simple pots. Herbs should be going wild so now’s the time to collect bunches for drying. My marjoram is about taking over the side terrace just from a small pot - perhaps that’s an exaggeration but ....
our basil is looking good! Nothin better than breakfast bruschetta especially made with herbs straight out of the garden. If you have lots of herbs think about turning them into pestos or gremolata (recipe recently posted). And don’t forget Asian salads. Herbs remind me of Armenia and the banquets they laid for us each meal - all with fresh herb salads. One other word- tabouli!
Pickle the seeds from your nasturtium, they taste akin to capers. And all that mint that spreads out like benign triffids - make mint jelly now for winter roasts.
And soon it will be time for jams and sauces so start digging out those jars in readiness.
And if you don’t consume a lot of these yummy things, think gifts.
Berries abound so it time for syllabubs, fools, summer puddings and Champaign fruit jellies - if you have any left over! Stock up on cream or yogurt.
Of course fruit et al will be plentiful, fresh and lovely at the Markets so look out the bargains. Marinated mushrooms or eggplant are good for antipasto. So many things you can do - let your eyes and taste buds inspire you!
Recipes for some of the ideas above I have posted earlier. Just use the search tool on the blog site.
Happy harvesting!